Intuitive Factory Booking Screen

Upon the receipt of purchase orders, whether in the form of EDI850s, APIs, or Excel Uploads, each order dynamically populates the corresponding factory profile based on the factory's name and code. The subsequent step involves the factory initiating their booking process by selecting the order and completing the booking—an exceptionally streamlined and rapid procedure. Remarkably, a factory can accomplish this booking in less than 40 seconds.

While the speed of the process might initially seem inconsequential, its significance becomes apparent when considering scenarios where the consignee opts to utilize our system. In such cases, the factory must adhere to the consignee's order, making the efficiency of the booking process critical. This realization dawned early in our journey when an implementation revealed that some factories resisted transitioning to online bookings.

At SYSM Technologies, our commitment is to cater to the diverse needs of all stakeholders utilizing SYSM. We understand that customization may be necessary to meet specific requirements, but our overarching goal is to equip users with tools that simplify and expedite their tasks. The simplicity of our system is such that even a six-year-old child could navigate it with ease. Our focus remains on providing solutions that enhance efficiency and user experience for all involved.