Welcome to SYSM, where we redefine the way businesses operate! At SYSM, we understand that every business is unique, and our commitment lies in transforming your operations through a meticulous onboarding process. Unlike conventional approaches, we're not here to sell you a system; we're here to revolutionize the way you do business. SYSM is a "Collaborative E2E Middleware for Supply Chain Order Management". SYSM sits between your suppliers and ERP and will manage purchase orders, SKU/Items, and containers. 

Our onboarding process is designed with a focus on gaining a profound understanding of your business as it stands today. We delve into your frustrations and pain points, recognizing that no two businesses are alike. Our goal is to alleviate your concerns and craft a tailored solution that automates as much of your business as possible.

Join us on a journey to not just implement a system but to fundamentally change the way you conduct business. Let's collaborate to streamline your supply chain, eliminate frustrations, and usher in a new era of efficiency. Welcome to a transformative onboarding experience with SYSM!

We Study your Business!

We initiate the onboarding journey by gaining a comprehensive understanding of your business, a process that may span several meetings. During this phase, we delve into your current business processes, urging you to pinpoint specific problems, issues, or frustrations. Our approach is guided by a proprietary process, serving as a roadmap to steer us in the right direction. As part of this exploration, we may request access to Excel spreadsheets or reports that currently drive your container supply chain management.

At SYSM, our aim is to establish a single source of truth for your import SKUs/Items, orders and containers. Utilizing our platform, you'll experience the consolidation of your supply chain data. The focal point of this integration is the purchase order, marking the inception of a seamless transition into SYSM. Our objective is to maximize the incorporation of your supply chain data, ensuring efficiency and coherence in your business processes.

We BEGIN with your Purchase Order

The cornerstone of the supply chain, the Purchase Order, serves as the foundation for our collaboration. We meticulously examine the data sets within your purchase order, concurrently sharing these sets through the PO reconciliation screen in SYSM. It's common for companies to send incomplete data to their suppliers in PDF documents. Engaging in a dialogue with you about enhancing these data sets often prompts a reconsideration of purchase order details.

SYSM is strategically crafted to leverage purchase order data, pre-populating subsequent steps in the process. Initiating a conversation about the Purchase Order process becomes the inaugural step in prompting a reevaluation and reengineering of your business processes. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Then Isolate Your Pain Points

Following our initial conversation and a thorough review of your purchase order, our focus shifts to identifying and addressing your pain points. Together, we aim to reach a consensus on the specific challenges you want to tackle. The onboarding process is a unique opportunity for you to reconsider your workflow, enhance reporting mechanisms, and optimize the collection and management of documents, all while embracing the shift towards digitalization.

During this transformative journey, we encourage moving a significant portion of your operations online. While we understand that certain aspects may not be immediately changeable, we are committed to collaborating with you to minimize reliance on email and Excel-based workflows. Recognizing that Change Management is a gradual process, we are here to facilitate the transition over time.

Embracing change may present challenges, but it also opens the door to opportunities you might not have fully realized. Together, let's navigate this evolution and unlock the potential for positive transformation in your business processes.

And Document Your Network

Ever considered documenting your supply chain network? Now, you have the perfect opportunity to do just that. In most companies, there exist two distinct procurement entities: product and freight. Typically, these departments operate in isolation, seldom communicating until an order is issued. Obtaining specific factory data can be a time-consuming process, often taking weeks, if not months. SYSM streamlines this documentation process by creating comprehensive profiles.

Through SYSM, your supply chain network is meticulously documented using a series of profiles. The admin user can access, and track Purchase Order (PO) and Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) activities categorized by supplier and country at any given time. The entire network of users, including their locations, usernames, and email addresses, is efficiently documented through the profile browser.

Once your company adopts SYSM, you gain visibility into "the network effect," allowing you to access volumes and bookings on demand. SYSM serves as a unified source of truth, eliminating the need to capture order and shipment data in Excel and then transfer it to Power BI. With each user login, real-time insights into current activities become readily available. The network created by SYSM produces valuable by-products, including MQC fulfillment, carrier reports, and KPI data, providing a holistic view of your supply chain in action.

Identify who in your company will own SYSM. 

A crucial prerequisite for leveraging SYSM is the identification of a power user—a dedicated individual who will master SYSM and gradually train others. This person serves as the go-to expert and a central figure for overseeing the management of the supply chain through SYSM. While we offer a help desk and support, SYSM is intentionally crafted to be owned and managed by its users. This empowers your team to take charge of the platform and maximize its benefits for efficient supply chain management.

Identify Stakeholders.

SYSM operates as a collaborative middleware, empowering each user to take ownership of their specific segment within the supply chain. This functionality is facilitated through a series of role-driven profiles, where each user's role is clearly defined, determining their level of security within the system. The overarching objective is to bring all supply chain stakeholders online, enabling them to efficiently complete tasks and manage their respective segments of the chain of events.

The system leverages the power of the purchase order and suppliers to handle the majority of the workload. The purchase order serves as the foundation for bookings and pre-populates downstream activities. Making a booking is a streamlined process, with the factory uploading the PO to a booking screen and selecting three dropdown options—a task that can be accomplished in as little as 40 seconds.

Key stakeholders involved in this collaborative ecosystem include:

  • Suppliers
  • Origin Control Tower for Suppliers
  • Import Management Team
  • Import Operations Team
  • Carrier Management Team
  • Customs Brokerage Team 
  • Audit Team
  • Finance team.
  • Buyers
  • Management Control Tower

Each participant plays a vital role, contributing to the seamless flow and efficiency of the overall supply chain management process.

Put together a list of customization points!

To grasp the complete potential of SYSM, let's consolidate the challenges your company is currently confronting. This compilation will encompass both the issues you've pinpointed and the prospects we recognize for enhancing your workflow. These aspects can be categorized into one of the following five groups:

  • Purchase Order Data Structure.
  • Processes that may not be necessary.
  • Processes that can be automated.
  • Auto generated vs manually generated reports.
  • Data on demand vs Excel to Power BI.

Put together a timeline for Implementation.

The timeline for implementation varies among companies, as each organization has its own pace and level of preparedness. While some companies may be well-prepared and undergo implementation in as little as eight weeks, others might require a bit more time. The duration of the process is influenced by the extent of pain points identified that necessitate streamlining and automation. To facilitate understanding, we categorize the timeline into four key phases:

  • Supply Chain Review
  • Issue Documentation
  • Preparation
  • Training
  • Go Live